Whether you are deferring a gift or have an estate and want to protect your assets, there are many options to consider when thinking about planned giving.
Benefit yourself, your family, and North Carolina Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation (NCSRMF) for many years and generations to come.
If you are considering a bequest to The North Carolina Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation (NCSRMF) in your will or trust, the following is essential information for your attorney or estate planner:
"I give to The North Carolina Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation, a North Carolina corporation with its principal offices at 2176 Whiskey Branch Drive, Wilmington, NC 28409, (the sum of $_____) (all or _____ percent of my residual estate) to be used for its general purposes."
North Carolina Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation (NCSRMF)
2176 Whiskey Branch Drive
Wilmington NC 28409
Tax ID number: 56-6049894
Tax Status: Not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation
Relationship: Nonprofit organization
The information above can also be used if you are making North Carolina Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation (NCSRMF) a beneficiary of an insurance policy or financial account.
Have you already included a gift in your will to North Carolina Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation? Please let us know by contacting us.
To review our financial information, please click the link below.